L E T T E R from Jo - We Have The Power - The Broad Place

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L E T T E R from Jo – We Have The Power

We don’t get to choose the emotions we feel but we are in charge of the responses we have to them.

Love and compassion are choices that are always available to us to make. A lot of the time remembering they are choices is hard. Staring directly into a difficult and challenging situation and making that choice can be even harder. It’s easy to react, dropping straight in to fight or flight – with anger, frustration, hate or avoidance, pretence, we can ignore or we can numb ourselves.

The brilliant part is even if we do make that first choice, that decision to act from our animal nature, is still available to us and will always be available to us through the next choice, or the next action we take, to do so from a place of love.

Love for ourselves and for others is always there – getting to that decision is our assignment. Martin Luther King got it right …“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.

Our power and the work we have to do is in choosing the action anchored in love and compassion and it is this choice that has the ability to bring about the change that is needed.


Jo x

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