L E T T E R from Jac - The Well Of Water Within - The Broad Place

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L E T T E R from Jac – The Well Of Water Within

Buddhist nun Pema Chodron speaks beautiful about the fact that we all have a well of fresh spring water within each of us, and we just need to tap into it, to allow love and compassion to flow through us. In the beginning, only little drips come out, but eventually a stream. That this inner essence of love and compassion is graceful and cooling and connects everything. It’s always present, but we need to tap it sometimes.

I keep this in mind when I am feeling the opposite of graceful and cooled, like on the tube in London (my idea of near hell), when sitting in traffic, when I am running late for school drop off or pick up, or when our website crashes or the myriad of other hourly trials that come with modern life. I see if I can feel that spring water of compassion and grace, and tap into it flowing underneath my turbulent mind. You could try it too, it’s a visual I have found incredibly helpful in moments of frustration or anxiety, dipping into this flow of water under it all.

Sent with love,

Jac x

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