About Us - The Broad Place

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About Us

A School for Creativity, Clarity and Consciousness. 

We are a global school sharing ancient knowledge and modern neuroscience, tools and experiences for higher grade living. Our teachings are based on time-honoured truths and practical experience. We are outcome-based and focussed on improving the quality of life for our students, teachers, and community. There is so much opportunity to become better at doing in life, we focus instead on the elements of being, as who we are as a human being informs all the action. We create education for people to understanding and empower themselves in their daily life, and to live with more clarity, creativity, and consciousness.

As a global school we are committed to creating a new paradigm for education and self-development, celebrating creativity and consciousness.

We aim every day to elevate how we offer our education programs, our experiences and our teach training to continue to the world in more creative and inspiring ways. We recognise that without students, one is not a teacher, and so our students are our entire reason for being. Everything we do is with the purpose of understanding and exploring ourselves so that we can better explore the world.

We have spent almost two decades studying Eastern knowledge and techniques, and years teaching meditation, and our Integrated Meditation program is the master class in everything that we currently teach over so many areas.

It was born from years of conversations, teachings Classes and courses and hosting Retreats, and thirsting to not just share with students meditation, but also arm them with lots of knowledge and other tools that we teach in one on one mentoring sessions, that we wished we could share with everyone.

The Broad Place is where we discover lasting change that enhances our life.

We’re a school for Creativity, Clarity and Consciousness. That means we…

Teach 3part In-Person courses called Integrated Meditation. Read more about the power of Integrated Meditation, here.

Provide in-depth and pround teachings through our ONLINE Classroom. Check out all of our courses, here

Work one on one with individuals wanting to upgrade their personal or professional life. Work practically on tools to improve communication, retrain your mindset and free yourself to be better. Learn more about our Private Mentoring! Email us at info@thebroadplace.com.au

Host monthly practical philosophy evenings ‘The Broad Place Gatherings” that are open to the public and FREE FOR THE BROAD PLACE STUDENT! They are a wonderful community night where people of like minds gather to hear inspiring talks on a range of topics from; Email us at info@thebroadplace.com.au

Customise innovative and productive Workplace Programs for teams looking to improve their output as well as their sense of well-being. Our comprehensive programs range from 1-hour Inspiration Sessions through to 1 week, 1 month & 3 month packages. If you’re wanting to improve your staff and your business from the inside out, read here.

Create meaningful, purposeful and luxurious products to bring a sense of special occasion to every day. Shop our capsule of products, here.

Immerse our students in transformative experiences, throughout Australia and Internationally at our annual Retreats. Read more here about our Retreats, here.


Jacqui is the co-founder of The Broad Place, a globally recognized school dedicated to blending ancient wisdom with modern neuroscience, offering transformative tools and experiences for elevated living. With a focus on clarity, creativity, and consciousness, Jacqui brings an innovative, grounded approach to the lives of her students and clients, helping them cultivate resilience and find deeper purpose.

A writer, educator, facilitator, and sought-after speaker, Jacqui’s teachings span the globe. She works with not just adults across every generation, but also children aged 5-18, sharing mindfulness techniques that inspire confidence and calm. Her annual teaching schedule includes Los Angeles, New York, Hong Kong, across Australia, and London. She also leads immersive retreats around the world, fostering profound personal growth for participants. Through The Broad Place, Jacqui offers a dynamic mix of in-person experiences and online programs that make modern education on mindfulness and well-being accessible to all.

Having left behind a successful career in advertising, marketing, and branding, Jacqui now dedicates her work to helping people like her former self—those who feel stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed—transform their lives. Her mission is to guide others in rediscovering a sense of balance, calm, and clarity amidst the demands of modern living. Known for her practical wisdom, humor, and relatable approach.

Jacqui has partnered with global companies such as LinkedIn, ANZ Bank, Westpac Bank, and Scentre Group. Her work has been featured in Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, BRW, Financial Review, Rhapsody, Sydney Morning Herald, Peppermint, Broadsheet, Mamamia, and more. She was honored by David Jones as one of Australia’s Most Influential Women in 2016, and has spoken at high-profile events, including for Elle Magazine. Currently, her insights are featured in four books, the 14 Day Mind Cleanse published by Murdoch Publishing, High Grade Living published by Thames and Hudson, as well as Letters Edition One and the Mothers Mind Cleanse which are both self-published.

Arran is a multidisciplinary creative  Co-founder of The Broad Place.

Arran collaborates with partner Jacqui Lewis on projects merging The Broad Place’s meditation teaching and High Grade Living philosophy.

Creativity has always been the driver behind Arran’s work. Degrees in Fine Arts and Visual Communications led him straight into the creative scenes to work with Coca-Cola, BMG Records, Lee Denim and Channel V among other power brands of the 90’s. He went on to found fashion brands Marshall Artist and Vanishing Elephant, and launch a Czech produced wormwood Vodka called Babicka Vodka.

After success in fashion and selling Vanishing Elephant & Babicka Vodka, Arran focused on creating the strategy and branding agency Folke Army, specialising within the food and beverage industries.

In his role as Creative Director at The Broad Place, Arran designs and develops products following the philosophy of High Grade Living, ensuring every element is ethically sourced and produced.

Victoria Barber – Founder of Di Nuovo Fashion

“The three day retreat of yoga and meditation held by Jacqui Lewis at The Broad Place was an incredible experience and one that I am so grateful for.  The location was brilliant and carefully sourced and the food was delicious and exquisitely thought through. Jacqui was the perfect co-ordinator and she shared her extensive knowledge of Ayurveda with eloquence and humour. This, coupled with an inspiring group of fellow meditators made for a rewarding, relaxing weekend and I came away rejuvenated and ready to take on the pressures of life with a renewed energy.  Thank you so much, I am ready and waiting for the next one!

Emily L’Ami – Founder of Bodha

“Thank you so much for sharing Vedic meditation with me. The course was such a lovely experience and just like when I found ‘my yoga’ after years of dabbling in different styles I feel like I’ve finally found a meditation style that clicks for me. It’s part of my life now and I’m so grateful

Jacqueline Alwill – Founder of Brown Paper Nutrition

“Jacqui’s teaching in vedic meditation has fundamentally impacted the way I approach my life. Having meditated for years, but not been as diligent as I had hoped most recently, I undertook Jacqui’s vedic meditation course at The Broad Place. Honestly, it has been the most incredible thing I have done for myself, business and life overall in recent years. Through Jacqui’s teaching and my daily practice, I have become far better equipped to approach everything in my life with greater focus and clarity. I cannot speak highly enough for Jacqui’s teaching, guidance and ongoing support

Sarah Hogan – Melbourne Vedic Meditation Student

I wanted to drop you a note to sincerely thank you for the Vedic meditation weekend course.  I have been practicing twice daily and have already felt significant difference in my life.  I had hesitated for a while because of the cost involved but am now wishing I had done it earlier.  Your presentation style is very approachable and I particularly valued how you taught us to use this ancient wisdom in the real world.  The stories you used to illustrate your point were great, making it easy to apply the knowledge to my own life. I’m also grateful for the ability to stay in touch and look forward to attending another course next time you are in Melbourne!

Our teachings are based on time-honoured truths and practical experience and are outcome-based and are focussed on improving the quality of life for our students, teachers and community.

  • We will respect different approaches to meditation and the sharing of knowledge. We will honor the contributions and the efforts of others and not misrepresent them as our own. 
  • If we believe any student would be better served by another teacher or professional we will encourage the student to make a change. We will suggest that our students seek the services of other professionals when deemed appropriate or necessary. 
  • As teachers, we have a duty of care towards our students and should be alert to any abuse of power, emotional or otherwise. We will not exploit any aspect of the teacher/student relationship for personal benefit, professional advantage or monetary gain.
  • There is no hierarchy within our organisation and all teachers and students are treated equally. We are not a personality-driven organisation. We are wary of creating ‘gurus’ recognizing that this concept can be distorted and abused. We are also on guard for the human tendency to ‘disciple’ and become disciples of a teacher, and instead encourage students to determine their own truths through the practical teachings we provide. 
  • Sexual relationships between teachers and students are unacceptable. We fully understand the inherent power imbalance in all teacher/student relationship and are careful not to exploit this, and we hold ourselves with integrity and a full understanding of the potentially vulnerable and the misuse of power that can occur between teachers and students.

If you are a student of The Broad Place and are witness to any behaviour that is out of alignment with this Code, we will absolutely welcome any conversations that can take place around this so we can be accountable for our behaviours and for ensuring our students have a wonderful learning experience.