We Are What We Think – The Broad Place

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We Are What We Think

I love this quote. So many woes we all have, so many of them imagined. The mind is a pretty great tool for somethings. Predicting the future is definitely not one of them. Would you ever punch a question like ‘is she upset with me’ into Google and be governed by the answer? Or ‘should I leave my job or stay, and what will happen if I choose either options’ into Google, and go with whatever answer popped up? Of course not. But somehow we believe the minds manufactured answer. Which is honestly just as valid, and full of just as much nonsense!

‘I am not my thoughts’ should be our daily focus. We can’t affirm it enough. We get to choose every moment, will I be governed by my mind, or my heart. I say this to Marley every day. I say it to myself multiple times everyday. Let’s all choose wisely.

If your having a challenge discerning what these two things are, which voice is which and need clarity, come learn meditation with me. It’s the one thing that’s helped me define that I’m not my thoughts, and to as best I can choose my heart over my thoughts. The instinct, the peace, the creativity from operating this space, is nothing short of wonderful. All from closing the eyes 15-20 minutes once to twice a day, and practicing meditation a particular way. Find out more HERE.

Jac x

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