Derived from the art of transcendence, Integrated Meditation provides you with the opportunity to dive deep into meditation to allow for greater clarity, creativity and consciousness within yourself and your life. This course will empower you to be able to lessen the stress, anxiety and exhaustion of modern living and in the process elevate your creativity, resilience and clarity.
Upcoming courses dates
The Portal Live Call is exclusive to our The Portal Subscribers. You can read more about it HERE.
What you learn
You will learn the practice of transcendental meditation and be given a personalised mantra. You are given ongoing guidance on how to achieve a practice that can be sustained for a lifetime. Furthermore, the Integrated meditation course leads you to understand what elements of your life can be given greater clarity, elucidating the ways in which these can benefit our social, professional and personal lives!
Who is it for
Integrated Meditation is for the student that is committed to creating, or deepening a meditation practice. It is for those that want a deep understanding of mind, body and philosophy and to live a life filled with confidence, clarity and increased capacity. We understand that it is quite an investment of time and money though we believe it is reflective of the passion and energy that has been put into creating a course of real value. We offer one on one free introductory calls regarding this course so please don’t hesitate to get in touch and book yours in.
How it works
The Integrated Meditation Group Course is comprised of 3 sections. Part one is a live online one-on-one session with your teacher over 45 minutes in which a traditional Vedic ceremony takes place and you will receive your personal mantra. Part two and three are online or in person group sessions each lasting 2.5 hours in which you will learn exactly how to meditate, the psychology, physiology, neuroscience and philosophy as well as the tools to build your personal practice for life.The substance and benefit lies in an extensive understanding of the technique, and continual and steady discipline of twice daily meditation. On completion you will have everything you need to meditate 20 mins twice daily with success as well as ongoing support.
Meditation Retreats
At the Broad Place we also offer meditation retreats, an opportunity to have a unique and immersive integrated meditation experience. With a number of beautiful urban and regional settings around the global, we offer an amazing opportunity to escape the busy schedules of our modern lives. These thoughtfully curated events provide you with the license to fully embrace a balanced meditation based lifestyle allowing you to experience ways in which you can find alignment and stability in your own life.