L E T T E R from Jac - Before The Drought - The Broad Place

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L E T T E R from Jac – Before The Drought

Isn’t this a brilliant sentence, ‘When the well is dry, we know the worth of water’?. I teach so many people meditation that says one of two things:

1. Why in earth’s name did I not do this earlier?
2. I wish I wasn’t learning because of my diagnosis/grief/shock and had done this when I was feeling great, not when I was desperate.

I crawled through the door to learn 11 years ago, so I get it. I want to ask you this; what would your life look like if you got really serious about what it might take to live your highest grade life?

Systematically go about sorting that out. If you don’t meditate, learn. If you do meditate, do it twice a day. If you already do twice a day, use that foundation to start enhancing other areas of your life.

What does your emotional, physical and spiritual optimal look like? Whatever it is, stop kidding yourself and go for it.

Sent with love,

Jac x

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