L E T T E R from Jac - Simplicity - The Broad Place

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L E T T E R from Jac – Simplicity

We only recently received our shipment of things that we packed in early February to London. Since then we lived on a few suitcases worth of things, like Goldilocks’ bears, we had our three bowls and plates and spoons in London for months. We didn’t have a huge amount of things in all honesty so I wasn’t too concerned, but still, my goodness did we all miss our stuff. Each time we received information that we had no dates confirmed for arrival, I would feel my frustration rising. It was a constant reminder to be grateful we had a roof over our heads, a beautiful apartment and we were safe, even if it was empty.

A paring back is so important to remember we can live with so little. To acknowledge that we consume as it’s so easy to do so. I’m not anti-consumerism but I think we need to check our unconscious spending. Returning to simplicity, that was a regular part of life not so long ago, it is so rewarding.

Sent with love,

Jac x

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