L E T T E R from Jac - The Time Is Now - The Broad Place

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L E T T E R from Jac – The Time Is Now

This week marks a year since we went into lockdown in the UK. Many countries were ahead of this, or swiftly followed suit. And what a year it’s been. Part of my mind can’t compute that it’s only been 10 months since I returned to Australia. Hotel quarantine, then living at a friends hotel, then a house, since then another house move. I’ve worked on this same laptop on top of an esky (chiller box for my non Australian friends) in hotel quarantine, in parks, in a caravan, at hotels, at friends places, in my home, in my work studio, and as of next week in a new dedicated space I am sharing with friends (and freaking excited about it too!!). And I know you have been working in some pretty unusual work situations too. Lockdown wasn’t kind to many of us, not was homeschooling. 

It’s got me a year on really addressing, what I consider ‘work’ to be, and what I really want to be contributing, creating and how I want to be going about it. Every day I am writing down thoughts, experiences and ideas. A notebook filled with ideas. For it’s sometimes at our most pushed, that we come up with the best ideas. I have nothing I am ready to share as yet, but really wanted to encourage you to do the same. How many more years do you estimate you have left in your life for ‘your work’? What are you creating through it? What are enjoying and what are you not (including your feelings and attitudes)? What can you shift and what can you not and must work with? 

The average person will work 90,000 hours in a lifetime. I’m not sure of the math but if you’re a stay at home parent, it feels like that could easily be double. 

So let’s get really clear on what we are doing with this time, in exchange for what exactly? 

With love,

Jac x

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