Letter from Jac - What season are you in right now? - The Broad Place

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Letter from Jac – What season are you in right now?

I often teach about our personal seasons. Summer being hot, full, lengthy and abundant, but also with the chance of burnout. Autumn being a time to pare back, and prepare for battening down the hatches. A time to release that which is no longer needed. Winter is a quietening. A taking stock, a simplification. Spring is about regeneration and rebirth, a full bloom, and a promise of what’s to come. 

We have seasons in our relationships, our careers, our creativity, our alignment to our souls. Often, different seasons are happening in different areas of our lives. And this can feel turbulent. But when we actually settle into it, appreciate it for what it might be offering us, we can really breathe the air, drink the drink, and taste the fruit of each.

Warm thanks,

Jac x

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