So often, spiritual teachings are left to hover in the air, an intellectual pursuit, that is segregated and separated from modern living. It’s ‘assigned’ to when we are in the yoga class, or meditation meeting, or over there in our morning ritual, or journalling. Spiritual practices though are a vehicle for our growth, and are best integrated and understood in every facet of our lives. The separation and duality of the teachings must be dissolved completely, so there is no boundary between spiritual practice and every day life. Parenting, doing the dishes, being stuck in self-isolation, having meetings, all of it is our spiritual work. So many of our students that we teach and privately mentor have been asking for stunning knowledge to inspire AND also practical tools to implement. We have listened, and I would love to invite you to participate in a new community, The DOJO, that has been born from so many students asking for it.
A dojo traditionally is a place where students of martial and eastern arts and meditation gather to learn, be a part of a community, and very importantly, apply discipline and strength. The Broad Place DOJO will be a place where community, spiritual knowledge and growth can be explored, but more importantly integrated into daily life. Too often there is little rubber to road, and The DOJO will provide a system whereby you can join at the level that you feel suits you, and engage how you wish to engage. I will explore with you the teachings of the Tao Te Ching, the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the Bodhisattva’s Path, as well as the teachings of Zen, Taoism and Vedanta. This will include live monthly gatherings and spiritual talks with Jac, recorded so you can see in your own time as you need also, as well as practices and techniques to be integrated into life. You can opt to do a private one on one 25 minute mentoring session with me monthly also, where together we can explore the concepts and ideas in your own way also. There is such flexibility in The DOJO and you can toggle up and down each month to tailor your engagement as you wish, and the idea is that together over many months or years, you study and learn and put into practice all your learn, shoulder to shoulder with other like minded students from all over the world.
If you are interested in not just spiritual growth, but emotional resilience and strength, and practical understandings of the Eastern teachings, The DOJO is a sublime place for you to do this. We have every month two live offerings, they will both be the same, but will enable you to click in from any time zone if you are on either the Orange or Black Belt tier. We are thrilled to be using the platform of Patreon, where ALL your beautiful teachings, correspondence and techniques will be housed, in one cohesive space.
To enrol and discover more, please see HERE.
With love,
Jac and The Broad Place