The Broad Place Code of Conduct - The Broad Place

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The Broad Place Code of Conduct

– Our teachings are based on time-honoured truths and practical experience and are outcome based and are focussed on improving the quality of life for our students, teachers and community.

– We will respect different approaches to meditation and the sharing of knowledge. We will honor the contributions and the efforts of others and not misrepresent them as our own. 

– If we believe any student would be better served by another teacher or professional we will encourage the student to make a change. We will suggest that our students seek the services of other professionals when deemed appropriate or necessary. 

– As teachers, we have a duty of care towards our students and should be alert to any abuse of power, emotional or otherwise. We will not exploit any aspect of the teacher/student relationship for personal benefit, professional advantage or monetary gain.

– There is no hierarchy within our organisation and all teachers and students are treated equally.  We are not a personality driven organisation. We are wary of creating ‘gurus’ recognizing that this concept can be distorted and abused. We are also on-guard for the human tendency to ‘disciple’ and become disciples of a teacher, and instead encourage students to determine their own truths through the practical teachings we provide. 

– Sexual relationships between teachers and students are unacceptable. We fully understand the inherent power imbalance in all teacher/student relationship and are careful not to exploit this, and we hold ourselves with integrity and a full understanding of the potentially vulnerable and the misuse of power that can occur between teachers and students.

If you are a student of The Broad Place and are witness to any behaviour that is out of alignment with this Code, we will absolutely welcome any conversations that can take place around this so we can be accountable for our behaviours and for ensuring our students have a wonderful learning experience.