True Power - The Broad Place

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True Power

It takes us a long time to find our inner power. I see it in the children I teach meditation to, when they look me dead in the eye and say determinedly ‘I want to be an artist’. I see it in my daughter when she says ‘you can’t teach me to be authentic and then also have an opinion on how you need to me to look’. I am in awe. I imagine we all had this true alignment once, perfect harmony with our moral compass and inner self.

Some of us lose it later, some of us lose it early on in life. Some return back to centre alignment at awkward paces, some swiftly, some never regain that sense of self. And I think that when that inner compass is lost, power over others becomes increasingly lucrative, needed and enforced.

Whatever happens to us in this life, true power is available here and now and it’s within. It’s not about wielding it outside of ourselves over others. It’s an inner power governing only ourselves. So now when we see someone attempting to overpower others, what is revealed is the degree to which they are lost to themselves.

I watched, crying, Oprah Winfrey’s speech at the Golden Globes yesterday. The power in it, the truth of it. The fact that people are now wiling to speak up about the misuse of power, so that our daughters may never have to say ‘Me Too’, is inspiring, and empowering.

You can watch it here.

With love,

Jac x

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