A Bumper Issue of Goodness - The Broad Place

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A Bumper Issue of Goodness

We have returned from India, the place of chaos and calm, inspired, refreshed and thrilled to be home. I can’t really put into words the joy of seeing a group of wonderful people immersed in luscious nature, asking questions of themselves, diving into nourishing themselves and making huge life decisions and then working on how to implement them once in daily life again with grace. I’m busting now for our Byron Bay Retreat to roll around as we have changed the whole format to include something incredibly special that will really shake things up for our guests!

I have so much to share with you in this issue. If you’re a regular reader you will know that we every so often put together a big list of goodness for you, that sits alongside my regular musings.

As all that we share with you is from personal experience, at the moment it’ll be very Sydney centric, as we are home, and Canberra focussed (as we head there this weekend) and also next issue we’ll dabble a little in Perth as Arran is there now working on a massive project as a Creative Director…stay tuned!


The movie Mountain which we are looking forward to seeing this weekend.

The Japanese Film Festival is rolling around Australia check details. We are traveling to Canberra just to see it as we’ll be in Byron Bay when it rolls around in Sydney. The last films I saw had a profound impact on me, and I still adore them.


Catching The Big Fish by David Lynch, which I dip into time and time again for its juiciness and simplicity.

An article I strongly disagree with by an author whose writing I love, Ryan Holiday . I think that the point of repetitive immersive exercise for quietening the mind is strong. But it replacing meditation, I absolutely think misses the point of meditation. A transcendent experience where the mind moves into its soul state, pure consciousness cannot be underestimated. Layer in a daily experience of this, and true transformation occurs that lasts. And you don’t need a broad calm body of water to achieve it either.


I was reminded yet again from a healer I work with how important iodine is when flying so much. Obviously natural sources are best, found in natural seaweeds (unaffected by radiation – note/look carefully into Japanese brands and their harvest), so I just grab what I can in tablet form and top up with seaweed when I can find it and eat it.

Arran and I also had lunch at Ester in Chippendale Sydney, and I cannot recommend visiting this restaurant more. It’s wonderful.


Also currently on in Sydney is Ritual Spirit at White Rabbit Gallery . It’s stunning, and free to enter. Stop for tea and dumplings downstairs afterwards.


We have Meditation Courses over weekday mornings, weekday evenings, weekends and more as the year comes to a close and we make the ability to learn with us as accessible as we can. And also next week we have a special Kids Courses in Meditation for 5-7years and 8-11 year olds. Details are all here in our Calendar and you can email us info@thebroadplace.com.au to find out more


Our Byron Bay Retreat this November we have mixed up to make it even better than previous years. Details are here and I’ll be sending out a full explanation tomorrow too, so stay tuned.

We also have our beautiful Diwali Evening on Thursday 19th October at our Paddington School. There’s only a few places left, and all proceeds go to restoring eyesight in the indigenous communities in Australia. You can read more and book tickets here.

Keep inspired, and I look forward to seeing you soon,

Jac x

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