Hello meditator!
Becoming a Meditation Teacher for me personally, has been one of the most joyful, expansive, life affirming, and also gritty and challenging things I have ever undertaken! Connecting with students all around the world in person and online, and sharing meditation has, not to put it lightly, changed my life. A Meditation Teacher can have a profound impact on the world, helping expand consciousness, and meditators can live a life with less stress and reactivity and more kindness and love, and helping being a part of that is an honor. In addition to this, in order to be a Meditation Teacher of integrity, authenticity, full of compassion and not fall into the trap of spiritual bypass, one must really learn to integrate their own shadow. The work we do on ourselves as teachers is some of the most important work we can do. So in creating the new Broad Place Meditation Teacher Training, I wanted to look at ALL facets of the teaching process. For 23 years I have been studying meditation, Vedic knowledge, yoga, Ayurveda, Buddhism, Zen Buddhism and Taoism, alongside many other Eastern practices including Qi-Gong, Tai Chai, Silat and karate. I have also been diving more deeply into neuroscience and philosophy, in adeepening support of my personal practices and my own teaching.
As a teacher of meditation myself, I have taught students from all walks of life, around the globe, in so many different settings and cultures. I have practiced and taught meditation from the three major camps of Concentration, Contemplation, and transcending mantra based practices. I have trained dozens of teachers in Vedic Meditation, an intensive process where teachers in training must have meditated for 1-2 years minimum 20 mins twice daily, undertaken a 6-month Vedic philosophy course and then applied 20 hours a week for 14 months in order to become a Vedic Meditation teacher. It is certainly not for the faint hearted, nor those without a large amount of funding (about $20,000 AUD). So when it came to creating an accessible, expansive Meditation Teacher Training, I was very clear on what could benefit the teachers we train, as well as the students who learn under them. What we are creating is a Meditation Teacher Training that will provide graduate teachers with an incredibly strong personal practices spanning the three major categories of meditation, as well as the ability to teach different styles depending on the situation. This will provide not just the ultimate in flexibility, but also a depth of study, practice and teaching that the world needs right now.
Part One is a deep immersion into meditation, where you will build a personal practice spanning Contemplation (guided experiences), Concentration (focussed techniques including Zazen, breathwork and chanting), and Mantra based meditations.
This is what is involved in Part One
- Philosophy of meditation holistically and for the three components we will be studying; Contemplation, Concentration, and Mantra based meditations.
- History and lineage
- Creating your daily personal practice, and holding yourself accountable through discipline and journalling
- Various styles under each category will be learned, so you can navigate your personal pro’s and con’s to each
- Documentation and sharing of personal experiences including a log book
This is how Part One is Structured
- Part One is over 3 months, and you will have 6 months to complete the course if you wish to take it slower.
- 6 x recorded 60-75 minute Video Modules
- You will also need time each day to immerse into your own personal practice, of 15-45 mins daily
- Reading and Watching Homework that can you pace through in your own time.
- You will also engage with the techniques yourself a month each, understanding all the nuanced and practical applications of why all three are so incredibly different. There will be logging off your practices as well as Journalling Prompts so you can decipher your practices and progress on a deeper level. This will create more connection with your students as your personal knowledge and relatability will be so much more enhanced.
You can pace through Part One at your own pace if you wish. You will receive a Certificate of Attendance on completing Part One, but will not yet be a Meditation Teacher.
This is what is involved in Part Two
- How to choose which meditation technique to use in which setting
- How to create the perfect space digitally and live in person, depending on what experience you wish to create
- How to market yourself and attract students
- How to engage students in learning and practicing in the modern world
- How to be authentic and find your own flavour as a teacher
- How to charge for your time and your teachings
- How to be professional, and create your own personal code of conduct
- How to create community and a platform from whichyou can share more teachings
This is how Part Two is Structured
- Part Two will take place over 8 weeks, but you will have 3 months to complete this if you wish to take it slower
- 8 x recorded 30 minute Video Modules
- Journal Prompts and personal documentation after each Module so you can build your personal teaching style
- You will also need time each day to immerse into your own personal practice, of 15-45 mins daily
- 4 LIVE 60 minute Q+A Calls with me, Jac, throughout the 8 weeks. These will be recorded also and will be hosted at different times for different global time zones and it is not expected that you will be present at all 3.
- A final Follow Up 90 Minute LIVE Workshop/Q+A two weeks after completing the course.
- You will have to engage with another teacher in training, and share a meditation technique with them in your own style over 10-15 minutes, and then also be a ‘student’ of theirs and grade each other and submit your review.
- You will have to submit your log book for the 5 months of Teacher Training to receive your Broad Place Certificate, as well as submit a 15 minute video of you teaching, and a single page mission statement of what you want to contribute to the world and how. There will also be a few written exams to complete throughout the course. We will walk you through these details within the training.
Have your Private Call with Jac HERE if you wish to enrol.