We are so thrilled that you are interested in joining us on this beautiful two week High Vibe Challenge, in which we can all reset our minds, bodies, and soul! What a gift to yourself, but also those around you.
Regardless of your motive, the High Vibration Challenge will help you reset your thinking, get back into your body and align your mind to your higher self.
This Challenge presents a remarkable opportunity for us as humans, to reconnect with what is truly important. To understand ourselves on a deeper level. To learn, to expand and to be better people throughout and at the end of this time.
When we are grounded, relaxed, and trusting, then we can CREATE and INNOVATE. Which is exactly what is needed now.
So this High Vibe Program is two fold, it’s about PAUSING all the things that might not help you be your best self, and about introducing things that will! I’m with you 100% of the way through this, as is the whole High Vibe Community. So let’s get started!
We will guide you carefully through the entire two weeks with added Audio Recordings found in your Classroom and comprehensive tools to help you feel more clear, creative, conscious, and happy and inspired! Expect to complete the Challenge feeling uplifted, refreshed and rejuvenated, as well as having established a steady program of self care and meditation.
“I am a type-A-strategist-Virgo rising-New Yorker, so I am always thinking about new ways to go deeper and get out of my own way. Thank you so much for this really beautiful experience! I am grateful to have been a part of it.” – Sara
“The concept is awesome – the world needs more programs like this.” – Lisa
“I am so grateful for the opportunity to do this challenge with such a wonderful online community. Almost three years ago I learnt to meditate with The Broad Place and I am still so grateful for the skills and tools I have been gifted. I can’t wait to learn more with you. Thank you xxx” – Hayley
“I’ve learnt to be kinder (it’s free) & I’ve definitely been more assertive (in a good way) these past 14 days. Thank you” – Lisa
“I just loved the awareness of what the challenge brought to me. It got me outside in the freezing cold walking my dog, made me realize how coffee is just a habit and that at this point it doesn’t do anything for me and I started meditating 2x a day even if I’m still not trained.” – Scarlet
“I loved the challenge & I feel like I’m learning more about myself and my crutches. I feel moving forward I am better equipped with the questions I need to ask myself about my choices.” – Kirsty
“For my first challenge (of any real kind!) I really enjoyed realigning what I want my life to look like, and how I would like to spend my time. The introduction back to meditation was critical, but I found the pauses especially technology to be hugely beneficial. Thank you so much for your time in putting this together, although I haven’t met you, you are a big part of my morning routine when I read your email & try & align myself for the day.” – Chanelle
– an e-book with complete explanations of all the components, including Journal prompts
– printable worksheets and accountability documents to ensure you are clear, motivated and stay on track
– a commitment to a daily or twice daily meditation practice (if you already have a practice great, if you don’t, then we will provide a Beginners Breath Meditation and two Guided Meditations for you as well as suggestions for free meditations
– a selection of things you will PAUSE for the two weeks, you create your own program, or adopt everything we have mentioned! This is to create more space and clarity and expansion of consciousness over the Challenge
– a selection of things you will INVITE IN for the two weeks, you create your own program, or adopt everything we have mentioned! This will create more joy, happiness, grace and flow in your life.
– 14 Audio Recordings found in your Classroom to uplift, inspire and set an intention for the day, with a different theme to be explored each and every day
– learn the art of Samurai Breathwork
– understand Supportive Communication skills for your Challenge and beyond
– tools to get more Creative
– philosophy and techniques to appreciate more beauty in your life
– deeper Gratitude practices