E V E N T - Creating A Joy Filled Life - The Broad Place

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E V E N T – Creating A Joy Filled Life

Living a life filled with joy is what Jeff and I wanted to teach about in this intense two-day Workshop we are hosting in Sydney in a few weekends time. Which sounds so beautiful doesn’t it. We are going to wade through quite a bit about the mind, ego, patterns, behaviours and understanding our humanity to access our joy! The good news is that joy and a beautiful high-grade life is always present and available to us. It’s not outside of us but within us. Sometimes with stuff just blocking its natural flow. This Workshop is to equip you with what you need to peel back the shadow and allow more light to shine.   

Example 1 for Saturday 

Jeff Talk; Self Destruction and Staying Small  

Why does the ego keep us tiny, and protected and what to do about it 

Jac Exercise; The Voices In Our Head  

Understanding our higher voice and our ego voice

Example 2 for Saturday 

Jeff Talk; Dharma and Purpose 

Why are we here, what’s our role and how can we fulfil it 

Jac Exercise; Values and Goals   

Example 3 for Sunday  

Jeff Talk; Contraction vs Expansion  

Understanding flow states and emotional, physical and conscious expansion  

Jac Exercise; Breath work exercise and Group Meditation   

Example 4 for Sunday  

Jeff talk; – Creativity As A Path To Higher Consciousness 

Creativity not just an artistic pursuit, but a daily embodiment of living in alignment     

Jac Exercise; Creative Living Exercise  

Tools to live in alignment and more joyfully  

The daily structure will be a bumper day of 9am – 6pm consisting of lectures and talks, implementing tools within workshops and group meditations. We will have a 1.5 hour lunch break in the middle of the day to eat and coffee breaks for you to gather your thoughts and chat and socialise. The Workshop will take place in a beautiful, quiet covered space with lots of fresh air and a huge internal garden in Paddington.   


This workshop is open to all. A daily practice of Vedic meditation will enhance this knowledge and your experience but it is not a prerequisite. 

I hope to see you in a few weeks time.    

Jac x  

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