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Humour is one of my core values, it gives me energy, inspiration, connection. It has the ability to reset me, […]
This is a lovely way of describing that we have no idea of our enormous potential as humans, the gigantic […]
If you can imagine an architecture that your mind has constructed, like a matrix or 3D rendering, and we mentally […]
I think we all use the language ‘just do your best’ a lot when going through something challenging. Sometimes it’s […]
I wanted to take a moment today to invite you to be kind to yourself. A lot of the time […]
Have you ever sat and eaten a meal with someone who on that occasion was rushing through their food, barely […]
As we close off for the year, and I come to enter into a gorgeous little sabbatical that I will be […]
Often when we are in a crisis, we have no idea what to do. There’s not exactly a handbook on what […]
Can you hold your sorrow more loosely? Could it be easily blown away with the wind, the seasons? How do you ensure […]
The Buddha was once asked, “What have you gained from meditation?” He replied, “Nothing!” Then he continued, “However, let me tell you what I […]