When I was teaching meditation in Silverlake, we spoke collectively about the current frenzy and uptake of spiritual practices and self development. We are on one hand in a wonderful time as wisdom, education and techniques for higher grade living are more readily accessible with with technology, from pretty much anywhere. There is a danger though of dabbling like mad, and never actually allowing anything to sink in.
I know this for myself, in my practices and my interests, when I allow my enthusiasm to bubble over, and skip like a stone from thing to thing. And the benefits of avoiding and reducing this, and really investing in one thing at a time, at great length. Whether it be a particular healer, a form of exercise or an ancient practice. And with meditation, I feel it’s essential. I spent a decade dancing from meditation technique to meditation technique before investing now almost a decade into Vedic meditation. The results of which have been profound. Yes, when we stick at something it can be at times boring. Yes, there are so many wonderful other things in the same genre to drag at our attention constantly. But the discipline of sticking with our one thing regardless and with non attachment to the outcome or the experience and continuing (daily is always more powerful), is beyond anything we can experience ever by flitting around.
Sent with love,
Jac x