L E T T E R - Continuous Growth - The Broad Place

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L E T T E R – Continuous Growth

There’s nowhere to ‘get to’ in our spiritual, physical and mental endeavours. Just continual growth. It’s a hard pill to swallow sometimes in modern Western society as we are so goal orientated. Awhile back I was in the dojo with my karate Sensei and I was anguished as I felt like I was ‘falling behind’. He asked me bemused who I was falling behind. And I grimaced and paused and then said doubtfully, ‘myself?’. And he laughed and said, ‘you are falling behind yourself??’, and the ludicrousness of what I was saying revealed itself. 
It’s just constant expansion, learning, falling over, growth, contraction and then flows in every area, over and over and over. If you’re concerned about not ‘getting anywhere’ take a look at how you operated in the world 5 years ago, and how your days look and feel like now. Then, from that broader perspective, you can if you need to make some changes, or just feel almighty grateful. 
Sent with love,

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