L E T T E R - Ceativityr, Love and Hate - The Broad Place

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L E T T E R – Ceativityr, Love and Hate

I love this quote. Because the ego will tell us otherwise all the time, and ensure we are terrified of being hated. When we allow ourselves to be gripped by the ego, we water down our creativity, we stifle it, we muffle it. So we must truly understand this.

Creativity is about standing in our power and embracing our ideas of creativity, and not others ideas about it. It is about being earnest, curious and not caring what others think on our path of creative exploration.

Experimentation and failure are key components of creativity, and so therefore so is getting comfortable with being judged or disliked by others as we muddle our way through it.

As Elizabeth Gilbert says in her book Big Magic, ‘You do not need anyone’s permission to live a creative life”.

So own it.

Sent with love,

Jac x


Sydneysiders, I am hosting a beautiful Broad Place Gathering in two weeks time with Erin Lovell Verinder, come join us for an inspiring talk, group meditation, tea and socialising. See details HERE. This event is a gift to all our students. If you have lost your code email info@thebroadplace.com.au and tickets for non-students are also available.

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