L E T T E R - Flux and Meditation - The Broad Place

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L E T T E R – Flux and Meditation

Meditation teaches us so much, and in particular Vedic meditation, where we are taught so many amazing things that become our blueprint on how to live. One area in particular with our practice can teach so deeply, and that’s that everything changes, everything is in flux, and to therefore not get attached.

When I teach the Integrated Meditation Course, which is a foundation of Vedic Meditation with lots of juicy things layered on top of it, I always start with saying the good news is you never have the same meditation twice because some of them are rancid (high-stress release ones!). The sad news you never have the same one twice as some of them are profound. There are so many flavours of the practice, sometimes with many seemingly contradictory things within the one meditation.

So, if you find yourself frustrated in a meditation, remember, this too shall pass. If you catch yourself debating if it’s the chair your sitting in, or that bird outside or because you got more sleep than normal, anything that becomes an idea about WHY it’s not the way you think it should be, recognise that this sensation and the thought, will change too. It’s why we don’t get too attached to it all within meditation. We simply gently, softly, come back to our mantra.

In case you weren’t aware, most weeks, I offer a gift of our online Recharge Sessions. They’re the perfect platform to learn more about Vedic Meditation and recharge your practice. They go for 15-20 minutes and are part of our 4% rule. 2x 20 minutes of meditation a day is 3% and we layer in daily a little boost of 15 minutes, 1% of our day, for spiritual or creative knowledge. This allows the mind to dip into the field of creative intelligence through meditation then saturate in something high vibrational outside of meditation daily. It keeps us inspired, expanded and enhances the other 96% of our day, which is the whole point of it all!

We host them at 12pm Sydney time, so that LA and NY can plug in Sunday evening. Today’s session is ‘States Of Flux, Transition and Meditation’ and you click through live here and these we make available to everyone. They are then recorded for our students to access within the IaM Vault, so if you’re an existing student don’t forget to log in and check them all out!

I’m also hosting a LIVE ONLINE Introductory Talk on Integrated Meditation if you’re keen to find out more you can click through here and we have Sydney, Melbourne and Byron Bay courses throughout the rest of the year.

Happy meditating!

Sent with love,

Jac x

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