This week let’s collectively set our sights on forgiveness. I recommend always journaling your way through these Intentions to allow your subconscious and conscious to meet on a plane where action can then be taken. Be free in your writing, no one will see it but you…
Things to look into this week;
- To begin where in my life do I need to forgive myself, and what might this forgiveness look like?
- How can I acknowledge with honesty and love that we are not always in our personal power and we ALL respond to situations with actions we regret? What does this look like for me internally?
- Forgiveness of others; does it need to be done internally? Does it need to happen physically with someone?
- What am I carrying that I can now put down? How would forgiveness help me heal in this process?
Intentions I have started doing with you all weekly. I hope you’re enjoying them as I really wanted to collectively set an intention and discover what it means to each of us. Meditation is a path to self-discovery, and with Integrated Meditation, we aim to combine a daily meditation practice with education and inspiration to be our highest grade selves. I hope these Intentions serve as moments to gather yourself. I suggest every week journaling your findings and allowing yourself to saturate in the moments where your intentions were fully realised, and also to gently learn from the moments you lost the path.
Sent with love,
Jac x