It’s easy to lose perspective of who we really are and what we’re really here to do or be. It’s even harder to keep this perspective when the entire universe is one big paradox. We can simultaneously feel like nothing and everything, fulfilled and empty, expanded and contracted. Like this quote by Mother Teresa, a paradox, we are only but a little pencil, an instrument or vessel wearing the suit of a human to play out the words being written by God. And this “play” serves only the purpose of spreading love. And who is God? And what is Love? Well, that is who YOU ARE but you’re also the tiny pencil. Oh! and you’re the letter too. To get broader, the world could be viewed as the Love Letter and each of us a single word on the page, each one unique with a different purpose and meaning, but when joined, makes perfect sense. When you feel you’ve lost perspective, remember, both your contractions and expansions are part of the balance that keeps this paradox moving forward. When possible, just write your letter of love and when not, know you’re simply a pencil writing the story.
With love,
Emily x