L E T T E R from Emily - Joy - The Broad Place

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L E T T E R from Emily – Joy

Today is Easter Saturday, this day will mean different things for all of us, some will be engaged in spiritual or religious practices, others will be enjoying the holidays with family or you may be going about your life as normal. No matter what this day means or doesn’t mean for you, it’s hard to escape the reminders of it being Easter. Easter Saturday, also known to some as The Great Sabbath or Joyous Saturday, has its roots in a ritual of remembrance long before any organised religious tradition. This day is symbolic of LIBERATION and a day of rest. Today is the day we are reminded to choose love, to choose freedom, to choose to work towards the fulfillment of all Beings on planet Earth. When we make this choice we break free from fear and operate from our Higher Self.

SIDE NOTE: I grew up going to a strict Catholic school which at the time I resented and couldn’t see eye to eye with. Now, I’ve come to see everything as a lesson, a teaching and feel grateful to be in a position with exposure to so many different traditions, being able to cherry pick the parts that deeply resonate and gracefully leave those that don’t.

Today I’ll set the intention to rest, reflect and let go when fear arises, knowing that on the other side of that is liberation.

Enjoy where ever you are right now.

With love,

Emily x

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