L E T T E R from Jac - Calling Future Self - The Broad Place

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L E T T E R from Jac – Calling Future Self

Try this, Get some paper and pen. Sit down some place comfortable, slow your breathing, relax into your body.

Imagine it’s six months from now. Really dive into this experience. Then write a journal entry, from the future, but in present tense about all the things that happened in the last six months. Who you were and how you held yourself through the last six months from March until “now”. What belief systems you let go of. What you discovered about yourself, and the people you love and people around you. What resilience now looks to you. What mindsets you embraced. What love now looks to you. Write in detail, ‘if only I had known in April what I know now… I would have…’ Put a stream of consciousness down as to what you appreciate now that you hadn’t fully before April, and what you’re grateful for. 

From your six month imagination, document all evolutions that have taken place, and who you have been within it all. Write down all your learnings and all the grace that came to you. Allow everything your higher self wants you to trust in, to flow out. All the advice you would give April 2020 in, from a more knowing grounded place that is coming in six months. All you surrendered and all you did not.

Keep this paper. Your capacity to expand beyond the present moment knows no bounds. Channel it. Get it down. And please share this exercise with anyone you think might benefit. And please share any learnings with me. This was a post I created on Instagram some time ago and one of our students Nic reached out to say she just re-read her letter and adored the whole process and it reminded me to share this with you here as an exercise. 

With love,

Jac x

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