Have you noticed a truly sharp difference in how you consume and what you consume once in quarantine? Is it making you really think, like me, what was I truly spending my money on before? I am questioning more acutely the WHY behind my purchases. I considered myself a pretty conscious consumer, but I didn’t obviously want to acknowledge there were new depths to which I could explore. Is the same happening for you? I feel this is similar for a lot of people. I’ve been having consistently similarly toned conversations around the difference between PLEASURE and HAPPINESS. Most of the time money is being spent on pleasure, but not happiness. We assume pleasure BRINGS happiness, but pleasure just brings pleasure. Happiness is a state from within. Take away all the pleasures and the level of one’s happiness truly begins to become obvious.
I question, what would be the world have done differently pre COVID-19 had we known it was coming ? Would everyone have placed more attention on creating rather than consuming? I keep hearing from people about their angst filled wishes of different lives lived, involving vegetable gardens and chickens and the like. Abundant savings accounts instead of vague drunk memories of $20 glasses of wine and $35 bowls of expensive pasta in fancy restaurants. There’s a real reckoning happening. People are on their knees wishing that they had more in their emotional and spiritual bank in this situation.
Well we have our time again now don’t we. It’s not lost to anyone, but the decisions we make now, will pave our future. I’m not saying we shouldn’t ever eat at beautiful restaurants again, if you know me, you know I love all things food, especially restaurants! What I am saying is, isn’t it time that we go really clear on how we want to live our lives. What we want to create moving forward? Not from a panicked place, but from a truly grounded and centred place that is all about values and who you are as a human being. Not just about every week being lived for a moment of pleasure here and there.
Have fun exploring!
Sent with love,
Jac xx
Also if you need a hand with this kind of exploration, I have private mentoring sessions available and also a package with The DOJO, where you can learn, and also do a mentoring session with me monthly.
L E T T E R from Jac- Exploring What’s Next