L E T T E R from Jac - Giving Up All That’s Not Ours - The Broad Place

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L E T T E R from Jac – Giving Up All That’s Not Ours

This week whilst we appear to be crushing on the words of David Whyte, let me share one of my favourite David Whyte poems;

“You must learn one thing:
the world was made to be free in

Give up all the other worlds
except the one to which you belong.

Sometimes it takes darkness and the sweet
confinement of your aloneness

to learn anything or anyone
that does not bring you alive
is too small for you.”

So today let’s ask ourselves, where are we plugging and filling ourselves to mask our loneliness? Are we using social media as a bandaid? Are we opening to the potential of the truth of ourselves, the aliveness of the life we are meant to live?

Written with love,

Jac x

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