L E T T E R from Jac - Just begin, with whatever you have - The Broad Place

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L E T T E R from Jac – Just begin, with whatever you have

Today I want to ask you, what is the thing that you’re putting off? Not ’the big dream’, but the small thing you know you should do, the thing you know deep down you want to do. I have a lot of these, little pulls, sitting around, taking up a small amount of brain space, not too much to deafen me or push me into action, but enough that they haunt me. For example, I did a big cleanse about 3.5 years back, and it was so profound for my mental, spiritual and emotional health, that I swore I would do them twice a year, and yet haven’t done once since. We have been meaning to re-design and build our website for about a year now. I have been deeply wanting to create an online beginners mantra based meditation course, as a learning module within The Classroom. Yet, these things haven’t been created.

There is no ‘perfect time’ to begin. The ducks are never quite in a row. There’s never going to be the emotional, physical, financial support we believe we need to achieve something. So we just have to dive on in. With whatever we have available. And then retro fit and make do from there. Amplify, refine, create. But first START.

So what is the thing, or what are the things, that you crave to do, but haven’t yet. Start, today, with whatever is the first step. We’re publishing this Letter on a Friday, and our new website is now live here, I’m day two of my big cleanse, and am spending the afternoon recording our new online meditation program. Nothing changed in regards to resources or motivation, I just took the first step for each project and began, with whatever I had. I literally just kicked my own self up the arse, and got into it. And, so can you! 

With love,

Jac x

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