L E T T E R from Jac - Just The Weather - The Broad Place

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L E T T E R from Jac – Just The Weather

It’s so important to remember this. The other day flying to Sydney, I had an old friend visit with force, anxiety. It was a combination of factors that brought my anxiety in, the perfect storm really. I had forgotten the grip of anxiety, and it was a wonderful reminder of how horrible it can feel when gripped by it. Taking slow breaths, meditating on the plane, smiling at strangers, reading something wonderful, walking slowly and being present to my emotions all helped enormously. As did this concept – it’s all just weather, passing in, passing on. Nothing lasts, this too shall pass. What we are is not our emotions. We are beyond that. And we must remind ourselves of that, always.

With compassion,

Jac x

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