Dear lovely reader,
Thank you so much for taking the time to read all our Letters this year. What an incredibly beautiful, challenging, potent and powerful year it has been for most of us. Personally I think it’s been the year off the greatest learning for me personally. The universe has bestowed upon me an enormous learning load, and at times though I seriously floundered, spluttering away and treading water, I eventually found land again, setting new foundations down. We have launched our beautiful book High Grade Living with Thames and Hudson. We have thrown ourselves wholeheartedly and gratefully into the world on teaching Integrated Meditation online to huge success and an amazing response, touching people from all over the world with this amazing meditation teaching. We had one beautiful dog Honey pass away, and another Toofy given to friends in England, and adopted a new little senior Girl. We have settled into our new home of the Northern Rivers, after having moved countries unexpectedly mid pandemic in May to much delight, adoration for our new home, new friends and happiness. I have learnt to ask for help, surrender to others stepping up, and have been broken into little pieces with gratitude. My little family has weathered some big storms, and I have found my spiritual practices to be the lighthouse that has guided us. This year’s lessons came hard and fast, with surrender, letting go and trust being major themes. I wonder what were your major themes? And your intention as you step into 2021?
And, after all that has been, I am excitedly going on a sabbatical of teaching and writing. One I feel is much needed, and time to dive within. I need to recharge, refuel and create space to enter a new chapter. I can feel another huge shift at play, and need breathing space and connection to nature to allow it to come into fruition. The plan is 4-6 weeks, although you might hear from me in the meantime once or twice. Some things for you to consider for next year!
So you can connect with us in the new year, you can check our Calendar for our upcoming Integrated Meditation courses – Jo is teaching in person in Sydney and I am teaching my next course online with globally friendly time zones HERE in late January which is already filling up fast.
We have our beautiful Byron Bay Retreat in February HERE, four days and three nights of immersion into learning and luxury, the most delightful and transformative way to begin your year. Spots are filling so fast, so if you’re keen to join me, book in soon. If you miss out on Feb, consider the next one HERE.
The DOJO kicks back off in late January also, our monthly online workshop of self-development and spirituality – it’s been a spectacular way to connect with students throughout the year, with a huge resource and library of past workshops you can dive into ongoing, I highly recommend you join HERE.
I have only a few places left for One on One Mentoring Packages, if you’re keen for more information, my team can help you, hit them back with an email.
I hope you have a truly restful and gorgeous Christmas period.
Sending an enormous amount of love your way,
Jac, Arran and The Broad Place team