L E T T E R from Jac - Love Everything - The Broad Place

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L E T T E R from Jac – Love Everything

One of my favourite teachers Ram Dass, was taught by his guru above all other teachings to ‘love everything’. It became Ram Dass’s primary teaching also. I’m not sure if you’re noticing this, with the same level of delight that I am, but everyone feels far more loving than in regular life. I am having people I barely know on corporate calls sign off Zoom calls with ’so much love to you’. People are sending me Instagram messages sending so much abundant love. For myself I am telling anyone and everyone how much I love them. It just keeps pouring out. As does the gratitude for all the people in my life and for having them safe and alive at the moment. 

A big part of Love Everything, is loving (quietly, it can be inside) even the people we don’t feel like saying I love you to, or even feel affectionately for. Love everything is for people with VERY different views to ours. It’s for the situations we don’t want happening. It’s not ‘love somethings that suit you in a moment in time’. It doesn’t mean running the streets screaming I LOVE YOU to everyone, but it’s finding the part of you that’s loving and including them within it.

Sent with love,
Jac x

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