L E T T E R from Jac - Nature Is Whispering Your Name - The Broad Place

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L E T T E R from Jac – Nature Is Whispering Your Name

In most spiritual lineages, nature is considered an extension of people, and something to be nurtured and cared for, loved and cherished, a reciprocating relationship that moves back and forth between human and nature.

If it’s a two-way street, nature needs us to reciprocate more than ever right now. I find it quite frankly a very scary time. And I feel powerless in my panic over the earth, as my home country burns and my new country floods.

So I have been taking this quote into play. I have been not just loving the wind in my hair, and the ground underfoot and the damp flowers that I glance at. I have been letting the wind now play with my hair, sending my love to the ground underneath and the damp flowers I have been sure to let them know my appreciation. This might sound batshit crazy. But it’s incredibly comforting to connect in a reciprocating way with nature. I think if nature is hurting as much as I feel it is, we need to be with it in every small way as much as we can, and show it the love it needs.

Written with love,

Jac x

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