L E T T E R from Jac - The Frog In The Well - The Broad Place

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L E T T E R from Jac – The Frog In The Well

This is a lovely way of describing that we have no idea of our enormous potential as humans, the gigantic capacity of everyone around us. Jadav Payenghas spent nearly all of his life personally planting a forest. He has accumulated over 1360 acres of dense forest with his own hands. Gary Schempp personally re-homed 30,000 bees as they were going to have a colony collapse. Tennis I am not personally that into, but I would recommend reading Andres Agasssi’s bio Open, as an insight into how gruelling it is. His wife however Steffi Graf takes the cake with 377 weeks straight as the top singles player, which even beats Roger Federer at 302 weeks and Serena Williams at 200 weeks. 

Simultaneously we know nothing of how tiny and insignificant we are compared to the entire universe. In the Milky Way alone, there are an estimated 300 billion stars, compared to 7.8 billion humans. Humans make up 0.01% of life on Earth. 

How is this information useful? Imagine you are a little frog, that once was a tadpole in a single body of water. Now you have legs, and can move about, with a different state of consciousness to tadpole consciousness, how might you expand into the world.

Sent with curiosity, 

Jac x

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