L E T T E R from Jac - The No That Comes Before A Yes - The Broad Place

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L E T T E R from Jac – The No That Comes Before A Yes

I frequently do this, write a YES list. What do I want in my life. It’s a very full life, so there has to also be a NO list that goes with it. I want to write Daily Letters; yes. Rewatching the entire of Game Of Thrones before the next season comes out; a sad but realistic no. I want to go stand up paddle boarding; yes. I want to look at Instagram; easy no. I want to spend more time studying; yes. I want to be socialising; a pause on this for awhile. I want to have deeply connected conversations with my closest friends; yes. I want to have large dinner parties; it’s a no as it doesn’t lend to those deeper conversations (so I have less, but more connected one on one social experiences).

You get the drift…there are WAY bigger things, more potent and important on my yes and no lists. But in all honesty, they are the easy ones to work with. I find it’s the tiny stuff I get tripped up on. The messiness comes from a lack of clarity and over-commitment to the smaller things, that end up impacting the big yes’s.

Try making some lists and see what comes up for you.

Sent with love,

Jac x

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