L E T T E R from Jac - To Return - The Broad Place

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L E T T E R from Jac – To Return

In Mahayana Buddhism, to take refuge in the Buddha’s teaching means to return to one’s original nature. In Judaism, ‘Teshuva’ means to return, to come back, to our fundamental home in God. Jesus departed, and returned. The English word ‘refuge’, means to return, literally, to fly back like a bird taking nest after a long journey over oceans.

When are we young, we know ourselves so deeply, and yet we get lost. We wander off the path of our own heart. We depart from our soul’s intended journey. Coming back to that is the most comforting, creative and nurturing process. It’s been something I have been doing for years, and now unapologetically. Finding that thread that was worn down, and holding it steady until it returns to within me, to my heart.

Whatever coming back to your heart looks like for you, go there. The experience unto itself is so poetic, fraught, beautiful and humbling, once you begin you are choiceness to go anywhere else.

Written with love,

Jac x

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