L E T T E R from Jac - Welcome to our weekly musings - The Broad Place

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L E T T E R from Jac – Welcome to our weekly musings

Well, this feels enormous. I know it shouldn’t really, it’s just a Letter isn’t it, but we have had such enormous support and feedback in moving to weekly from daily Letters, that I feel a bit tingly now writing it. Like it should be something amazing and poetic and I’m now stuck slightly! Oh the pressures the ego creates are ridiculous, aren’t they! We are dedicated to creating clarity, and the Daily Letter wasn’t in alignment with that in 2020 when everyone has such bulging inboxes, so we have moved to weekly. In truth, I don’t have a formal template for how these are going to look, and am quite excited to keep it fluid. In marketing parlay, this is a DISASTER. Stability and consistency are key BUT if you’ve been following The Broad Place for a while or have studied with us, you’ll know my boundless energy and enthusiasm for all things education and life, make it challenging for this beautiful school of ours to plod along steadily. So thank you for coming along for the ride without the map!

The Broad Place is growing and is such an extension of my own personal experiences and education, that everyone gets tugged along for the wild ride that it is. We built The Broad Place with fluidity in mind, we made it lean, mobile, and creative and dynamic. I hope to include some personal musings, some inspiration and a tip/tool each week. I also aim to share with you lots of ways to expand your creative lateral thinking and learn more about how to rewire your brain. Our students are all for the most part dynamic, overwhelmed, want a creative life, and want to align to their higher selves. My major focus is going to be to deliver practical things I know will work for you, because I am simply put, just like you and I truly put rubber to the road in trying things out and navigating ways in which to implement into a full life those that make a profound difference. Together we will rise up more innovative and resilient and creative and ready for whatever life throws at us.

I’m going to put together a little survey this week, which I would SINCERELY love for you to fill out. They’re insanely helpful for us, I cannot even explain how much. So I’m arrogantly going to thank you in advance for filling it out – THANK YOU, I LOVE YOU FOR IT!! With our catapulting growth, we want to hear from you because we are here for you.

Written with love,

Jac x

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