This is my debrief from the recent High Vibe Challenge.
If you’re not aware of this challenge – there was a community of us committed to raising our vibration, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually via elimination of those things that numb or block our energies, whilst simultaneously introducing high-grade nourishment to support and expand ourselves.
Whilst not exhaustive, I thought I’d share here the most material observations and lessons I had, with the intention that it may gently tickle something inside you…
Overall I observed a definite heightening of my senses. Interestingly, my sense of smell ratcheted up a lot. The energies coming off others and myself (particularly post-meditation) were felt more.
- Rituals – I loved reintroducing small rituals in to my day to day. Beyond my twice daily meditation practice which is pretty much baked in to my day, I found returning to smaller additional practices grounded me. It enabled a sacred time to reconnect back to self and something larger. It gave me space to just be. Definitely keeping these!
- Resistance – this kept popping up like a petulant child. I found having something bigger like the support of the community and public declaration helped to break through the resistance, giving my ego its marching orders. Reminded me of the wisdom from The War of Art, By Steven Pressfield (an amazing read).
- Planning – I admire people who have a talent for planning. It’s something I can do but it’s not my default setting. Being aware of what’s coming up and what might be needed to navigate was really helpful and I recognised again the value planning brings. Deeply intertwined with Discipline – see next point.
- Discipline – this is so essential. It’s often the unglamorous part of any activity including creativity but time and again it’s the thing that adds the most value over time. This is something I also keep learning over and over…
- Accountability – holding myself accountable especially during awkward social moments or even when I was on my own was critical especially when I felt the resistance or the whispers of rebellion. It meant acknowledging that the power and choice rest with me always – it’s not something that can be handed over or wriggled out of, no matter how I rationalised it.
Once I settled in, I really enjoyed the two weeks – I even felt a degree of freedom and exploration, well beyond any sense of restriction or constraint.
Whilst I now have a long black back in my hand I am infinitely more appreciative and conscious of the impact of my choices and I’m looking forward to going again in November!
I would love to hear any observations you too may have experienced…
Jo x