Inspiration is important to me. I love that feeling of being inspired, the energy flowing through my veins, the possibilities of enriching my moment and also what comes next, makes it exciting. It is especially important when I’m feeling stuck, frustrated or any time contracted – I need that spark, that catalyst to shift me toward expansion. It reminds me of who I want to be and how I want to be, it reminds me that I do get to choose what happens next, it reminds me that the power always sits with me. Sometimes I forget.
When I get caught up in drama, when I over-ride my best instincts, when my expectations are not met, when my expectations are not met (yes, this is twice on purpose, I could repeat it a few more times, but I think you get it), when I get caught up in my thinking, I temporarily forget that I have a choice, I temporarily forget who I am and what I’m really meant to be doing, you know the actual important stuff of my life. This is when I need inspiring intervention the most and I have come to realise that having it close at hand helps enormously. It acts to pull me up and get me swiftly back to myself. A beautiful quote, meaningful words, a role model, a beloved person, a concept, a ritual, a philosophy … there are so many sources of inspiring reminders.
For example, I decided one new year that I needed to be more accountable and so I spent a whole year using this Maya Angelou quote “If you don’t like something change it, if you can’t change it, change your attitude”. It was my go-to for that year whenever I was going off-piste. It worked. It got me to stop and review, it connected me to the present moment, it reminded me of my choices, it was my reference, my anchor, my touchstone. Just in case you were wondering, I would say it to myself, in my head and I also had it written down the ultimate reminder!
Now to consider, when you need a nudge, a reminder of your true essence who, what, where do you go?
Jo x