L E T T E R from Jo - The Art Of Going With The Flow - The Broad Place

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L E T T E R from Jo – The Art Of Going With The Flow

Just like surfing waves, improv, free styling, jamming, going with the flow can be seen as an exercise in co-creation. You, the universe, nature, your friends, family, colleagues, whoever or whatever – you are working together to continue this progressive momentum. By going with this momentum you can contribute and participate with your unique value and perspective. You become part of where it goes next – tag team it, play with it, bounce and build it, take it and make it better, different – the power to shape it is yours. The energy, excitement, creativity and wonder that springs from letting go, moving with the flow and actively shaping as you go is contagious and inspiring.

YES, AND… are the two most powerful words you can use to keep the flow going, the essence of co-creation seamlessly adding your contribution, your navigation to the unfolding.

Control kills flow. It brings it to a standstill, this is temporary, flow will always resume. Like a giant boulder plonked down in the middle of a running river, creating an obstacle that stops the flow. Eventually the river re-engineers, awkwardly and uneasily, bringing the flow back on line so that it can continue determinedly on, to its original destination. What happens between the stopping and restarting is the detour – usually extra effort, time and energy expended for usually less than satisfactory outcomes and which sooner or later will usually bump back in to the flow. 

Going with the flow is not a passive choice, an easy out or a mindless move. By going with, the opportunity to create is there; by going with, the opportunity for trust and security is there. Surprisingly so. It comes in the confidence to respond, to work with whatever is happening, by actively joining in and building, adding your inputs and moving yourself, others and the world along with you.

Consider going with the flow this week, relax and respond with a “Yes, And…” and get swept away to wherever it may take you.


Jo x

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