L E T T E R from Jo - The Power Of Our Rituals - The Broad Place

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L E T T E R from Jo – The Power Of Our Rituals

It is believed that ancient cultures used rituals to counter the fears they had of the unknown. Primarily created to feel in control of all the things that were frighteningly out of their sphere of influence. The structure, the dedication, the consistency offered by these rituals provided a sense of knowing what to do when faced with the uncontrollable – usually food, safety and the many other hazards of nature.

Whilst there are many different rituals abundant in our cultures, our various groups, our families, our friends and our selves I love how we can use the discipline of consistent and meaningful actions and practices to showcase what we revere, respect and value.

Going beyond routines or habits, rituals contain intention and purpose, they provide focus and presence, they invoke meaning, they bring together and connect; rituals can bring peace and comfort, strength and confidence – strong anchors in turbulent waters. A gentle reassurance, a deep honouring and a majestic pause. Rituals can bring calm, clarity and creativity. They can be from long ago or recently created; ancient or modern. They can be just for us or they can extend to our friends, our families, our work colleagues and beyond. Sometimes, it is only upon reflection that we can actually recognise rituals we have established in our lives – deepening our commitment, joy and feelings when enacted.

I have a night time ritual with my children, it brings me out of work, chores and life admin into the present moment, it connects us and when missed a hole opens up in my heart. It is much more than a simple good-night.

I feel power in my rituals, these sacred acts that are ultimately for me (no matter who else is involved), they are purposeful, supportive and profoundly important, always enriching my world and the person I am moving towards becoming.

Consider taking a pause this week and make note of your own rituals, recognise and acknowledge their existence and the ways in which they make precious the living of your life.

Lots of love,

Jo x

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