Talking Broadly - Karen Holt - The Broad Place

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Talking Broadly – Karen Holt

With our upcoming trip to Hong Kong we are looking forward to meeting up with Karen Holt from the Health Seed Co. It’s always amazing to travel and have like minded, savvy individuals living High Grade lives to compare notes with and work out where to visit. Karen runs a fabulous wellness based brand in HK, and we decided we should share her talents with you before then…

Where do you currently live?

I currently live in Hong Kong. I know it sounds kind of crazy for a nature loving hippie-at-heart…but Hong Kong is probably one of the most misrepresented places in the world! Of course…there is the city…and it is truly a place of opportunity. But the part people don’t talk about that much is the beautiful beaches and an abundance of greenery and nature. It is an amazing place to live.

What currently keeps you engaged?

At the moment The Health Seed! The whole idea was born out of my passion for living a life that is both full and balanced for women in today’s busy working world. A life where we can feel present and connected. Too often we are so caught up in how busy we are that we miss the moments. At the heart of The Health Seed is the tiny little thought – a seed – that you can create a life for yourself that is bursting with love, health & joy.

Tell us more about your latest project!!

At the moment we are working on some super exciting projects! We are creating online programs that will help you transform your life. The programs are for young, professional women who lead frantic paced lives. This is all too common today – we live in a world where we as women have become everything to everyone (willingly!) We are exhausted and racked up on adrenalin because for some reason we think we are not enough the way that we are. I’m here to help those women see for themselves that they are enough. To show you true connection to ourselves, each other and the planet. To help you live a life you are utterly in love with.

As well as that I am very close to launching my e-book, which is for all the brides out there! It is the ultimate guide for women who want to walk down that aisle bursting with love, health & joy. What do you do to stay healthy?
I invite balance into my life every single day. I nourish my body with food that is both good for me and good for the planet. I practice yoga. I take time for meditation. I get out in nature and breath in the air and the earth. Most importantly I love, abundantly.

How do you approach meditation?

Without expectation. Sometimes we think that we basically have to live like monks to do it right, or we worry that our minds are wandering and distracted. When I let go of all of that the magic really started to happen and I really began to experience the power of meditation.

What does a typical day look like for you?

My morning routine is set in stone – I wake as the sun rises and my husband and I walk our pup and get up close and personal with nature. Then I practice yoga. After that there really is nothing typical about my day! You can find me hard at work on my computer, working with my clients, creating new recipes in The Health Seed Kitchen, working on new and exciting projects or out walking my little pup…it’s always different! But I absolutely love that! Being an entrepreneur you become the accountant, marketing manager, IT specialist and creative director – it’s definitely been a learning curve, but when you love every single second it doesn’t feel like work. It feels like you are fulfilling your purpose and that in itself is pretty satisfying!

Is there anything you do daily that is non negotiable?

Yoga. When I don’t practice I feel off kilter. I do spend a lot of time at my computer so both my body and my mind crave time on the mat.

How do you define creativity?

To me creativity is the art of being exactly who you are meant to be. When you are authentic, truly know your self worth and live your life with purpose you literally weave your own tapestry…something that is so original to you. When you are truly yourself your creativity knows no bounds.

What brings you the most joy in your life?

When I first read this question I was almost panicked at having to pinpoint it down to one thing…and then I realised…It is life itself that brings me joy! From my beloved husband, to my beautiful little puppy…to watching the sun rise or walking through the trees. Filling my body with organic, local, fresh and nourishing food fills my heart with joy. Simple things bring me joy. The ocean, travelling…I could go on…but I think you get my drift!

What do you define as happiness?

To me true happiness comes from loving yourself. When you can love every inch of your life, your body, your being…everything else falls into place and you become joyful. You see happiness everywhere because you become it.

What do you consider your greatest achievement to be?

I think every decision I have made, all the work I have done and every experience has gotten me to this point in my life. I am married to the man of my dreams, I live in a beautiful city, I have a thriving business, which is fulfilling my life purpose, and I am building a legacy. I used to think I was lucky. But I worked hard for this life, so really luck has nothing to do with it.

What qualities do you seek in people?

I love to be around people that have a strong sense of self. I am drawn to people that are passionate, authentic, joyful and live their life with purpose. I love the energy of people who want to make a difference in this world. I love people that build up other people
– I often find that these are also the people who are compassionate, supportive and loyal.

What is a saying or motto you live by or that is relevant to you right now?

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” – Mark Twain