Kate Kendall is a brilliant yoga instructor and the co-creator of Flow Athletic. Her classes are some of my favourite and it was a joy to interview here here on Talking Broadly.
Where do you currently live?
5-ways, Paddington.
What currently keeps you engaged?
Anything that inspires me. At the moment I’m reading and watching a lot of talks and seminars by Wayne Dwyer. Also love the feminine strength and creativity in words from Danielle La Porte. Her daily truth bombs are an awesome source of inspiration.
Tell us more about Flow Athletic and the plans for 2015…
We have blissful retreat happening in January so that all our yogis can get clear and confident on an epic 2015; another cracking 30 Days CLEAN for February, more ‘Inspired Leaders Teacher Training’, some more Flow After Dark events (yoga with a live DJ) in a very epic location TBC and a few more exciting things that I have to keep under wraps for now.
What do you do personally to stay healthy?
Meditation, yoga and clean nutrition are my big ones and then on top of that I do a strength and cardio session once a week each.
How do you approach meditation?
Some days with apprehension, others I embrace it fully. Haha. Each day is different but since learning Vedic meditation at The Broad Place and upping my stillness to twice a day, it’s revolutionised the way I work.
What does a typical day look like for you?
5.30am – Glass of water & meditate
6–7am – Strength class
7-7.30am – Emails
7.30-11.30am – Shoot yoga videos, voice overs, write a blog post for Body & Soul Magazine (this time slot is when I’m most creative)
11.30-1pm – Meetings/phone calls
1-2pm – Lunch – get outside
2-3pm – Emails/admin/respond to comments on MyYogaOnline.com
3-3.20pm – Meditation
3.30-4.30pm – Yoga practice
4.30-6pm – Walk
6pm – 8.30pm – Lead classes
Is there anything you do daily that is non negotiable?
Embrace stillness of some sort.
How do you define creativity?
Anything you do when time stands still.
What brings you the most joy in your life?
When I’m living my dharma. Teaching yoga, communicating my message and knowing that I’ve gone home each day having given my all.
What do you define as happiness?
As fluffy as it sounds – self love. When you’ve got this – you give it, you live it and everyone around you feels it.
What do you consider your greatest achievement to be?
So far, co-creating Flow Athletic.
What qualities do you seek in people?
Humour, Loyalty, Integrity, Passion.
What is a saying or motto you live by or that is relevant to you right now?
“Live life as if everything is rigged in your favour” – Rumi