Weekend Edition 8 - The Broad Place

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Weekend Edition 8

This week we have been in Melbourne teaching meditation, exploring, eating like crazy and in general having a ball. It’s been so great to connect with so many existing meditators and also to teach so many wonderful new students who are excited to become more creative, clear and conscious!! I froth!!

For this weekend edition, I thought I would share some of the places we went while in Melbourne as a sort of micro guide, as we only had certain pockets of time to explore. I will also include what I read on this trip and listened to in transit. We were low on time, and so stuck close to where we were staying, so this is by no means a definitive list of Melbourne! Simply what we enjoyed these last few days. 


We had coffee daily at Market Lane as it’s close to where we stay near the Victoria Markets. I freaking love these guys and always buy some coffee to grind at home. Sadly the whole trip where Market Lane is being redeveloped, so Books For Cooks, another fav, and others are relocating. Near to here also is Short-stop for phenomenal donuts and we usually grab a jar of their roasted peanut butter. Also in the CBD, which I normally visit but I had Marley and Arran and the ‘we’re bored eye rolling’ would have proven too much, is the Theosophical Bookstore and China Books

Also in the CBD is HWKR and I can’t recommend this place enough for a quick but fabulous bite. A rotating canteen of modern Asian, it was perfect for a quick bite with Marley when we couldn’t be bothered with dining out. Across the road from where we teach is Operator 25 I LOVE this place, a Japanese twist on many dishes and great coffee. And we ALWAYS head to Cumulus because it’s been a favourite since it opened and is tried and trusted and I’m a loyalist. Also whilst still in the CBD we didn’t’ have time to eat here but I loved it my last trip for a late supper Tipo 00 I don’t shop a huge amount on teaching trips, but always swing past Lucy Folk and Shifting Worlds for quality and beauty. 

Venturing out of the CBD, we had lunch at Cibi with some hearty sandwiches where I also bought some beautiful Japanese ceramics and their new book on modern Japanese cooking. Then we wandered from Collingwood into Fitzroy which I love to do. Hinoki Pantry is always a must for Japanese groceries and we came across Piccolino Gelateria which was amazing!! The pistachio, the owner offered as it’s her favourite and my god, she was not wrong it’s phenomenal! The fitout, the graphics, everything here is beautiful. If you’re in Fitzroy we also recommend Neko Neko timeline a home cooked style Japanese eatery for lunch or dinner, or for dinner only Shop Ramen.

Arran went to Anna Schwartz to see a wonderful exhibit on the women’s marches which he highly recommends.

I am currently reading (from my long list of books on the go!) THIS  and THIS, I listened to THIS on the plane and loved it.

Today we return home to Sydney to our dogs, and to settle in before a huge few days of teaching. I’m always slightly at a loss as to managing the delicate balance of not over promoting what we are doing/teaching/creating, and sharing as much as we can to inspire you. However, I have more and more people missing out and bitterly disappointed about Workshops and experiences and teachings we are offering. So I am going to try communicate these a little more clearly, and I will trust that you will just skip over the stuff you’re not interested in!  

Our special Gathering on Sunday night with Erin Lovell Verinder which is now fully booked out. And I begin a course in Integrated Meditation this Sunday afternoon through Wednesday evening in Paddington if you’re keen to join in at the last minute I would love to welcome you. Emily and I both have courses over the next few months in both Paddington and Palm Beach too, check dates HERE.

Our Byron Bay Retreat (late Nov) and India Retreat (late Sept/early Oct) are both almost booked out! If you’re interested in either of these truly transformational experiences check out the details HERE

I also have some advanced education for meditators, in the way of private Advanced Mantra sessions, and half day non residential retreats of Private Mentoring and or an Advanced Mantra session, coupled together to advance your practice and upgrade life. I host these at Palm Beach in our beautiful home, and they usually involve the fire burning, a walk on the beach and beautiful teas to add to the experience of deep knowledge and practice. If this sounds delightful, Shearry my assistant can create a custom time and experience for you, just email her at info@thebroadplace.com.au

Sent with love,
Jac x