Weekly Reads Edition 1 - The Broad Place

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Weekly Reads Edition 1

Welcome to our very first Weekly Reads! This is simply a post that will happen weekly, filled with luscious links and things we find interesting. It will serve as a platform to inspire you and us. Sometimes things will be relevant to health and wellbeing, but occasionally they will be included simply as they’re beautiful, inspiring and creative, and we feel need your attention.

We hope you enjoy! Any feedback we would love, simply email jacqui@thebroadplace.com.au

A fabulous food blog Happy Yolks 

Food Anxiety. What to bloody eat? Paelo? Vegan? Pescatarian? Macrobiotic? Kale Smoothies? An interesting article on coping with food anxiety here

An inspiring interview with Maurice Sendak (Where The Wild Things Are) in which he reflects on life and insists that you must absolutely ‘live your life, live your life, live your life’ with wholeheartedness. A bit of a heart stopper here

A very beautiful and inspiring video on yoga. Who wouldn’t want that apartment let alone those yoga skills and grace!

If you think you have patience, take a look at this and be humbled. The supremely detailed words of Motoi Yamamoto

Images from here


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