We spend more of our time thinking about our experience of life, than actually experiencing it. Now why is this? It’s because we engage so deeply with the mind. It’s chattering away like a maniac and we assume every thought is valid, every emotional trigger real, and every body sensation that then stems from this, a truth.
We want to look for the underlying truth in everything. This is how we truly experience life. And anything transient like our thoughts and our emotions, we can invest less in. If we know we won’t feel the same way in an hour, day or month, let alone a year about something, it doesn’t deserve all our attention right now. What deserves our attention is nature, our connection to it, our evolution within it.
Let’s pull our minds away from the nagging never ending stream of thoughts, and instead take the time to notice what’s really going on around us. What’s the wind doing? Where is the sun right now. What are the trees up to, what flowers are blossoming today and what are falling. It’s easy to forget we are ourselves 100% nature, when locked, hunched over computers and mobiles. To get back in tune with the fact we are mini ecosystems making up a larger one, notice what is going on with the nature surrounding you. Nature loves getting our attention, as much as we love having it’s attention. That feeling when you watch clouds play, and leaves feel like they are waving at you. Stop today and pay attention…