vedicmeditation – The Broad Place

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    L E T T E R – Zen Walking

    Kin Hin is a very beautiful practice of walking with presence, sometimes called Zen Walking. I remember still when first […]

    L E T T E R – The Journey

    Sometimes the most frequently referenced quotes and lines that are by now cheesy, are the most true, such as the […]

    What Would It Look Like

    What would it look like if you had a year to live? What would you read? What would you stop […]

    A Daily Commitment

    As we begin to dive into into 2018, I wanted to share a mantra, a daily commitment to move beyond […]

    The Need To Disconnect To Connect

    It’s the time of year when I am at my most engaged. We have all our meditation courses before the […]

    The Medicine For Modern Living

    Seth Godin popped into my inbox with “Are there places do you feel like you’re falling behind where there’s actually […]