L E T T E R from Jo – How We Act is the Most Important Thing
Once upon a time, I was all about collecting knowledge, being smart, knowing things, knowing lots of different things, more […]
Once upon a time, I was all about collecting knowledge, being smart, knowing things, knowing lots of different things, more […]
The High Vibe Challenge is kicking along and I love getting all the feedback from students within the Private Facebook […]
There is so much reference to what we seek being within. ‘The kingdom of God is within you.’ Luke 17.21 […]
We are so good most of the time at looking back, and admitting, sometimes admiringly, that everything was for the […]
When things are challenging, it can be troublesome to acknowledge the good in the situation. Sometimes, I work through this set […]
I love A-HA! moments – like that final piece of a giant puzzle clicking together and revealing all or a […]