creative ideas Archives - The Broad Place

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creative ideas

    L E T T E R – The Bigger Questions

    Around this time of year, Arran and I start formulating our ideas for the following year. 2018 was massive for […]

    W E E K E N D E D I T I O N 21

    Photo from our India Retreat in Rishikesh Oh my lord is it excellent to be home! So emotional! So wonderful! […]

    L E T T E R – The Power Of Water

    Water, the incredibly dynamic and flexible qualities that can shift it from ice to fluid, to steam. Imagine if we […]

    L E T T E R – Recovery Time

    I had an experience years and years ago, where I went to see a friend of mine who is a […]

    L E T T E R – Impeccable Word

    Last year, I repeated something that someone else said, and I knew I shouldn’t have.I immediately corrected myself and ask […]

    The 4% Rule

    I have had the pleasure of meeting many talented people in my life, as well as many deeply conscious spiritual […]

    Book Club Launch

    As avid readers and meditators here at The Broad Place, we know how transformational both these things are. We call it the […]

    The First Time Should Be Enough

    Recently I watched Oprah Winfrey being interviewed after her Cecil B. DeMille award at the Golden Globes. She said, “The […]

    Where Are You Now?

    We all seem to know this, that being present reaps the greatest rewards as a human,but very little do we […]


    Hi everyone, This is Emily, I am a meditation teacher here at The Broad Place. I have been working with Jac […]

    What Will You Think

    There is so much talk of the power of positive thinking, so much science to back it up, yet I […]

    Selective Feedback

    This is such a huge topic that I might visit it a few times more!!To begin with, ensuring we only […]

    You The Scriptwriter

    I have so many conversations about things falling apart, and yesterday’s letter sparked some of those. I think when we […]

    Beginners Mind

    Beginners Mind is a Buddhist and Zen concept of approaching everything as if it’s the first time. What would our […]

    The Connectedness of It All

    The other day, I wrote about the concept of letting something go, in order to invite something in. To empty […]

    Time To Trim

    So for today’s tools on how to experience a higher grade life, the key thing is to EDIT. When something […]

    Are You Brave Enough To Audit

    High Grade Living is about living the best life we can, with the tools and knowledge to grant us access […]

    The Need To Disconnect To Connect

    It’s the time of year when I am at my most engaged. We have all our meditation courses before the […]

    A Remedy For Shame

    When I first started writing these little letters to our students, I felt the deepest shame. Who the hell was […]

    The Perfection Of It All

    “Thus, this supremely perfect order of the Universe goes on all around us. But the structure is so vast, and […]

    A Bumper Issue of Goodness

    We have returned from India, the place of chaos and calm, inspired, refreshed and thrilled to be home. I can’t […]

    The Creative Process – Refinement

    We have been working for 12 months on designing, refining, polishing, sanding and adding new architecture to The Broad Place. […]

    Diwali Evening at The Broad Place

    “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that” Martin Luther King, Jr. […]

    Q. What Will The Future Look Like?

    A. The Best Parts Of The Present I read this moving article over the weekend. My little brother is seriously disabled, and […]

    The Little Moments

    Yesterday Jeff arrived from LA, and we had a Group Meditation Meeting and spoke of how nature is at all […]

    It Might Be Easier…

    Marley and I sat in a Parisian cafe this morning. We had orange juice, coffee (well for me), baguettes and […]

    What If You Only Had 2 Hours

    I was listening to the Tim Ferriss Podcast as he was listing the ‘Impossible 17 Questions That Changed My Life’ […]