L E T T E R – Thinking Kills Creativity
If you’ve ever been working on something and loved it, then over thought it, then doubted it, then felt ill […]
If you’ve ever been working on something and loved it, then over thought it, then doubted it, then felt ill […]
Yesterday, I wrote in the Letter about re-framing spirituality and you can read it HERE. It’s a big topic and […]
I don’t mean physical space here. But emotional space. Conscious space. Creative space. Working stuff out space. A sacred space […]
I get upset when I hear people say ‘oh I am not creative’ or exclaim ‘so and so doesn’t have […]
I love it when slightly delusional ‘creative’ people or artists claim they don’t need order, they fly by the seat […]
When I was teaching meditation in Silverlake, we spoke collectively about the current frenzy and uptake of spiritual practices and […]
When I am traveling, I really dislike airports. I wish I was more cool and Zen and what not, and […]
I hear too often nonsense about ‘taming the mind’ and references to a monkey and wild horses. The mind isn’t […]
I had an experience years and years ago, where I went to see a friend of mine who is a […]
Last year, I repeated something that someone else said, and I knew I shouldn’t have.I immediately corrected myself and ask […]
I have had the pleasure of meeting many talented people in my life, as well as many deeply conscious spiritual […]
Oh, how this quote resonates with me. The accompanying vulnerability, the incapacity to hold it or when an emotion breaches […]
The ego, so loud, so insistent, so annoying, so abrupt. The heart, so gentle, so mild, so curious. If we continue to honour […]
Oh man doesn’t the ego like to stink up a tantrum when we are wondering, or worse KNOW someone else […]
Hi everyone, This is Emily, I am a meditation teacher here at The Broad Place. I have been working with Jac […]
In Buddhism, Dukkha, which is originally a Pali word, is translated most frequently as suffering. Specifically the suffering of the […]
I have so many conversations about things falling apart, and yesterday’s letter sparked some of those. I think when we […]
I’ve had a few recent experiences that really made me sit up and re-evaluate some relationships. Usually I think most […]
Dealing with the fear of ‘what other people think’ affects so many of our students, and myself. I hear about […]
When it comes to spiritual growth, self development and our actively evolving, it can get tricky at times. Sometimes what […]
Beginners Mind is a Buddhist and Zen concept of approaching everything as if it’s the first time. What would our […]
We have been working for 12 months on designing, refining, polishing, sanding and adding new architecture to The Broad Place. […]